Does Vehicle Size and Class Affect Insurance Cost in Canada?

It’s no secret that the cost of auto insurance in Canada varies from one province to another and from one insurer to another. Insurance costs can depend on the type of vehicle, its size, its safety features, as well as the driver’s age and experience. But how much do vehicle size and class really affect insurance costs in Canada? In this article, we’ll take a look at the factors that insurers consider when calculating auto insurance premiums for different types of vehicles.

How Vehicle Size Can Impact Insurance Costs

When it comes to vehicle size, insurance premiums can vary depending on whether you’re insuring a small car, an SUV, or a pickup truck. There are several factors that insurers will look at when it comes to the size of your vehicle. For example, larger vehicles are generally heavier and require more effort and materials to repair, which means that they may cost more to insure.

Additionally, vehicles with large engines are more likely to be involved in accidents, which can result in higher premiums for those types of vehicles. Auto insurance companies also consider the size and weight of a vehicle when it comes to crashes. Small cars tend to be more likely to be involved in an accident due to their size. In contrast, larger cars can cause more serious damage to other vehicles or pedestrians in a crash.

How Vehicle Classes Can Affect Insurance Costs

Another factor that can affect insurance premiums is the class of the vehicle. Cars fall into several different categories based on the type of engine they have, the safety features they possess, and the size and weight of the vehicle. For example, a luxury car will likely have higher premiums than an economy-sized car because luxury cars have larger engines, more expensive parts, and other advanced safety features.

In addition to the size and class of the vehicle, insurance companies will also look at how often the vehicle is used. Vehicles that are used on a daily basis tend to have higher premiums than vehicles that are used less often. This is because daily drivers are more likely to be involved in an accident due to the increased number of trips they take.

Other Factors That Impact Insurance Costs

The age and experience of the driver can also play a role in the cost of insurance. Drivers who are considered to be high-risk drivers, such as young drivers and inexperienced drivers, will typically have higher premiums than those who are more experienced and safe on the roads.

The types of coverage you choose can also affect the cost of auto insurance. Basic coverage, such as liability insurance, is usually the most affordable type of auto coverage. Comprehensive coverage, on the other hand, can be more expensive but provides additional protection in the event of an accident, theft, or other incident.

Finally, your location can impact the cost of insurance. Rates can be higher in certain areas due to the number of accidents or other factors that can influence insurance costs in that area.


Overall, vehicle size and class do affect the cost of car insurance premiums. Drivers should take into consideration these two factors when deciding which vehicle to buy. While larger and more expensive cars might be more enjoyable to drive, the increased insurance costs associated with them should be kept in mind. By understanding how vehicle size and class affect insurance premiums, drivers can make sure to buy a car that is both enjoyable and cost-effective to insure.

When getting an insurance plan for your home or vehicle, make sure you only work with a reliable insurance provider. Luckily, Reliant Insurance is here to help you find the perfect plan for your needs. We are a team of insurance brokers with decades of collective experience in the industry, and we understand the importance of finding the right coverage for your situation. Whether you’re looking for home or auto insurance in Sherwood Park or the greater Edmonton area, Reliant Insurance can help. Contact us today to learn more about our services.

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